Child Care & Early Learning Division
Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley is working hard to ensure that all workers in the Brazos Valley have access to child care services. Please utilize the resources below for Low-Income (At-Risk) child care services.
Child Care Scholarships
Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley provides child care scholarships to low income families in the 7-county region. To be eligible to apply for child care services, each parent or guardian residing with the child must be working, in initial job search, in an approved training program, or in school a minimum of 25 hours per week. Eligibility for at-risk child care assistance is based not only on approved activity hours, but also on your family’s gross income and the number of people in your household. Eligible families are required to pay a parent share of cost that is based on their level of income, household size, and number of children in care. If you are participating in other Workforce Programs, like WIOA and Choices, you could also be eligible to receive a child care scholarship. To find out if you are eligible for these services, please contact Child Care Services at (979) 595-2801, extension 2105 or email
Looking for help paying for child care? Login or create an account in TX3C to apply for assistance.
In order to support Texas’ continued economic recovery, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is implementing the Initial Job Search Child Care initiative to assist At-risk families who are engaged in job search opportunities and are in need of child care. While the initiative is targeting families currently seeking employment, all families that meet eligibility requirements continue to have access to TWC’s regular child care scholarship program.
- 3 months of child care
- $0 parent share of cost
- Self-attestation of the need for job search child care
- One parent household must be seeking employment for a minimum of at least 25 hours per week and two-parent household must be seeking a total of 50 hours per week to qualify
- If employment requirements (25/50) are met within the three months, eligibility will continue for 12 months.
- The family income is at or below 85 percent SMI and
The Child/Children
- Must be under the age of 13 (or, under the age of 19 if disabled)
- Has citizenship or legal immigration status
- Resides with family (including with an individual standing in loco parentis) within the Brazos Valley Workforce Development Area (Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, and Washington Counties)
- Enrolled children must meet attendance standards
Remember to report all changes to CCS Staff within 14 calendar days of the change!
Important Documents for Child Care Scholarship Applicants
- Parent’s Rights Form
- 4030 Employment and Wage Verification From
- 4060 Enrollment Verification From
- TX3C Eligibility Screen & Waitlist Application (Paper Copy)
- TWC BCY25 Income Limits
- TWC BCY25 PSOC Chart
- 4090 Orientation to Complaint Form.revised 4.24.23
Provider Lists
Find available child care in Texas that meets your needs visit:
Texas Rising Star (TRS): a voluntary program for providers who are committed to quality care and who exceed the state’s minimum child care standards. Texas Rising Star Provider certification is a process for improving the quality of child care services provided in Texas. The system provides graduated (2-4 star) levels of certification as providers meet progressively higher certification requirements.
In addition to Texas Rising Star, there are other National Quality Child Care Indicators including:
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)
- National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Program (NACCP)
- Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI)
- National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
- National After-School Association (NAA)
Parent Information for Choosing a Child Care Provider (2025C)
Resources for Child Care Providers and Parents
There is online training for child care providers related to the inclusion of infants and toddlers with special needs in child care settings. With funding provided by the Texas Workforce Commission, Child Care Licensing contracted with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to develop several online courses, tip sheets, and multi-media resources intended for parents, providers, and child care licensing staff.
All online courses and training materials are available to the public on the AgriLife website on their Child Care Training page. Most materials are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Texas Child Care Connection Attendance System
Information about the new attendance system is available to parents and child care providers at (https// Check out the webinars on this site that will help you learn about the new system! Answers to many questions about the new system can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of this newsletter.
Child Care Relief Fund Technical Assistance For Providers
We are excited to share the new toll-free phone number for providers seeking assistance with the Child Care Relief Fund 2022. All contact options are listed below.
Child Care Relief Fund Technical Assistance Team
- Phone: 1-833-613-3192
- Email:
- Live Chat:
Agents are available to support providers in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese (other languages may be available through translation services).
Current hours are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday.
After the application launches, agents will be available 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Monday – Friday and 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM on Saturday.
Providers may also find up-to-date information on our CCRF 2022 website at, including FAQs in English and Spanish (Vietnamese coming soon!)
Resources for Parents
Little Texans Big Futures provides useful reminders about responsive caregiving, selecting high-quality care, and the importance of developmental screenings at
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services:
Look Before You Lock: Child Safety Tips to Prevent Children Being Left in Vehicles: Look Before You Lock Tips
Visit to see where your child’s school ranks among Texas Public Schools or go to
Parent Information on Developmental Screenings (2025D)
Resources for Providers
Texas Rising Star Program: Texas Rising Star Webpage
Provider Handbook: Provider Handbook – Effective December 2021
FEMA’s Children and Disasters Webpage: