Choices is the employment services program associated with the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. The goal of the Choices program is to give customers the opportunity to become self-sufficient by helping them get a job, keep a job, or get a better job.
Eligibility for the Choices program is determined by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Once HHSC determines TANF eligibility, some participants are referred to the Workforce Center for mandatory work requirements associated with receiving public assistance.
If a Choices customer is willing, job referrals can be made immediately, which may prevent customers from having to accept public assistance. Choices participants can be single or married, but must be an adult or teen head of household in a family. Non-mandatory Choices customers may choose to voluntarily participate.
Participants in the Choices program are required to attend a workforce orientation that includes information about available options to gain necessary employment skills for entrance into the Texas workforce. These options include job search activities, employment and training workshops, employment counseling from Workforce Center staff and community service activities in which participants can obtain job skills. Participants may also qualify for childcare. Once a Choices customer begins working with a Workforce career coach, they receive employment counseling on how to maximize their skills to successfully gain employment.

Brazos Valley Workforce Orientation for Applicants
Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, and Washington Counties
Workforce Orientation for Applicants:
Click to join via Zoom Meeting ID: 826 3088 6117 Passcode: 146586 For questions, please contact: NyOsha Boone at 979-595-2800 ext. 2139 or