3991 East 29th St, Bryan, 77802 ,USA

Adult Education & Literacy

A proud partner of the American Job Center network.


Workforce Solutions celebrates inaugural National GED Day

Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley Consortium

Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program

Since 2014, Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley is a proud provider of Adult Education and Literacy Services in the Brazos Valley.  Adult Education classes are available in all 7 Counties of the Brazos Valley!  Our region provides assistance to the citizens of:

Burleson, Brazos, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington Counties!!

Classes are at NO COST for eligible, out-of-school individuals who are 16 years of age or older who are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under Texas law. You do not have to be a citizen to attend classes.

Classes Offered Include:

Intuit Staff Accountant Credential TrainingClick Here!

Earn your Intuit Staff Accountant Credential at the Bryan Adult Learning Center. The Intuit Staff Accountant Credential consists of the following hybrid trainings!

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Intuit Quick Books, and Professional Communication.


GED®/High School Equivalency Classes prepare you to take the GED® test to earn your Certificate of High School Equivalency.

Click on the link to learn more.    GED® test

English as a Second Language/ El Civics (ESL) classes promotes your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills for work, education and everyday communication and it prepares adults for United States Citizenship. Learn about immigration services, how to interview and test along with your rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Workforce/Job Training- offers job training in an In-Demand Occupation in the Brazos Valley! You can work on your GED and get job skills!

One-on-One MATH Help for AEL Students

Distance Learning Math Call Center Flyer – English

Distance Learning Math Call Center Flyer – Spanish

Workforce Solutions AEL Program is a proud partner of #MoveAheadWithAdultEd, a new national campaign enrolling adult learners into career training programs that equip them with skills that lead to jobs paying a family-sustaining wage.

GED/ESL/Bookkeeping/Accounting for Adults

GED Classes Madisonville/Madison County

ESL Classes Madisonville/Madison County

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